Suggested Subjects for Training & Short Courses: 

*   For Marketing

*   For Management

*  For Leadership

*  For Project Management

*  For Economics & International Business

*  For Human Resource Management

*  For Information Technology

*  For Communications

*  For E-Commerce

*  For Finance


*   For Marketing:

*           Launching New Products

*       Customer Focused Management

*       Marketing for Service Businesses

*       Customer Relationship Management

*       Business-to-Business Marketing Management

*       Marketing Tools for Marketing Managers

*       Advertising Management

*       Advertising Research

*       Industrial Marketing Strategy

*       Marketing Planning

*       The Brand as a Strategic Driver

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* For Management:

*   Organizational Change for Global Competitiveness

*   How To Handle Stress.

*   Project Management.

*   Strategic Planning.

*   Problems Solving And Decision Making.

*   Time Management.

*   Thinking Strategically

*   Strategic Management in the Technology Oriented Company

*    Creating and Managing Successful Strategic Alliances

*    Strategic Planning under Uncertainty

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*  Leadership

*       Leadership and Team Work

*       Leadership Through People Skills.

*       Leadership and Team Work

*       Personal and Interpersonal Dimensions of Leadership

*       Power and Leadership

*       Leadership, Conflict & Negotiation

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*  Project Management

*       Managing Projects in organizations

*       Management of Small Projects

*       Project Management for SMEs

*       Managing Project Teams

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*    Economics & International Business:

*    Understanding the Global Economic Environment

*    An Introduction To GATT Evolution, WTO & KSA/ The Globalization

*    Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges for Saudi Companies

*    Cross Cultural Management

*    International Partnerships and Joint Ventures

*    Intercultural Awareness

*    Establishing Branches Abroad

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*  Human Resource Management

*       Team Building.

*       Managing People : Power through Influence

*       Creating High Performance Teams

*       Improving Performance Management

*       Human Resource Strategy

*       Managing Recruitment and Selection

*       Managing Individual and Organizational Change

*       Driving Team Performance

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*  Information Technology

*       Managing in the Information Age

*       Getting Business Benefits from Information Systems

*       Strategic Information Technology

*       Marketing and the Information Revolution

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*   Communications:

*  Effective Negotiation.

*  Effective Presentations.

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*   E-Commerce:

*    E-Commerce - Creating Strategic Advantage    

*    Finance:

*    Introduction to Financial Markets in Saudi Arabia

*     Acquisition Finance


*   Problems Solving And Decision Making.

All of us are continually confronted with the need to make choices, both as an individual and as a member of groups; and we are concerned that we choose appropriately. Yet experience tells us that despite our many successes as problem solvers and decision makers and our motivation to choose wisely, we display poor judgment in many instances.

Especially in the context of groups, we are subject to a variety of subtle pressures and influences that impair our ability to think and act rationally. This training workshop is designed to alert us to some of these factors and will help us explore the ways in which they can interfere with reasoned choice, and introduce us to the principles of disciplined inquiry that can facilitate our efforts to contribute to informed decisions in group settings. This training workshop is full with case studies that will help the participant sharpen their skills and become excellent problem solver and decision makers.


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*   Leadership Through People Skills:

People do not follow people. They follow ideas, beliefs, and dreams. People follow those who will help them reach their dreams. So, the corollary is that people who seem to be closer to success (to dreams, ideas, or whatever) are the leaders. Good leaders can see where they and their followers are headed, and how they will get there. It is a "Vision".

In order to fulfill the aforementioned vision, the training is designed to provide the participants with comprehensive knowledge to help them master the skills the good leaders should have. The training will help the participants become effective leaders and be able to develop themselves as well as to develop others.

This is a very comprehensive training and it took me several years to develop such training. The participants will gain such experience that will help them do superior job performance.


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*   How To Handle Stress:

Each of us has to be aware of our own stress level, our stress triggers and our methods for responding to stress. Stress is ever present and powerful. It is created by, imposed on and controlled by human beings. If not managed, stress becomes a disease that could cause diminished productivity and poor interpersonal relationships. The challenge is not to avoid stress but to manage it.


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*   Team Building:

The seminar will focus on helping the participants become excellent team members who are committed to and capable of accomplishing their team's goals and objectives. Their team membership participation is an explicit component of their overall work. These team members require training to gain the skills required to guide a team to accomplish its business objectives.

The participants need to be alert to the dynamics of the team and skillful in intervening to change those dynamics when they become disruptive. Further, effective team members require skills in planning and conducting meetings. The training workshop will help the participants develop those skills.


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*   Strategic Planning:

Strategic Planning is the continual process of making entrepreneurial (risk-taking) decisions systematically and with the greatest knowledge of their futurity; organizing systematically the efforts needed to carry out their decisions; and measuring the results of these decisions against expectations through organized systematic feedback.

Delegates will have excellent understanding of the various elements that make up strategic plans. The training will help them support the planning functions in their departments and be capable to coordinate effectively all related tasks that make up a complete, well developed structured plan.


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*   Effective Negotiation:

Conflicts and disagreements occur every day in our personal and professional lives. When they occur in the work place, they may have marked impact on our performance and on that of our company.

Conflict is inevitable and accompanies all changes and growth. Without it, boredom can take place. Differences are profoundly important and need to be expressed and integrated into creative solutions.

Negotiation is an active problem solving process that helps different or opposing positions (thru communication) achieve common interests and agreements. Negotiation occurs at all levels, interpersonal, intra-organizational, and inter-organizational.

The training will provide the participants with the skills needed to help them attain their goals during any negotiation process they are involved in. The participants will have the opportunity to learn the mechanics of Win-Win negotiation and become successful negotiators who practice trust, openness, positiveness, and partnership.


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*   An Introduction To GATT Evolution, WTO & KSA/ The Globalization

This is an introductory type training to help people become aware of globalization and the roles GATT has been playing toward the emergence of World Trade Organization (WTO). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been actively working to secure a permanent and active membership role in WTO.

Understanding GATT evolution through out the history and learning the various elements that make up WTO are essential and critical to our business processes. This can better help us be prepared to strongly face global economy competition.


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*   Time Management:

Time management has been defined as "the conscious process of managing what you do in the time you have". It is a personal process where you determine the things you value in your professional and personal life and allocate time for them. Only "you" who can judge whether you are using your time wisely to meet your competing needs and responsibilities.

With an accurate picture of how you spend your time, you can see whether it is spent effectively or is wasted with activities that do not further (advance) your goals. Often people wish there were more hours in the day when the answer lies in spending the time they have more wisely.

Time is a limited resource. Everyone has the same 168 hours a week. As the class participants master time management, they learn to balance the many pressures on their time and still achieving their goals. They need to manage time effectively and efficiently; this of course, will help them avoid burnout and stress in any area of their lives

In USA three (3) persons are killed on a daily basis, because of not being able to effectively and efficiently manage their time during stressful situations. The figure in our culture even exceeds the USA record. As a matter of fact, most fatal accidents happened in 3-5 seconds only. These seconds, if not well managed can definitely destroy lives. Therefore, the following agenda of themes has been designed to address a very highly critical area of our lives.


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*   Project Management:

Technical institutions and colleges do prepare people purely in the technical areas and the academic management colleges and institutions do prepare people in the management and human related areas and this is actually common every where.

A great number of projects failed in the past and a lot of resources were wasted, because the project leaders/ managers and those who were closely involved, either company employees, contractor workforce, or other customers were not properly trained in both areas (technical & managerial).

Project Management is one of the most complicated fields of study and this is due to its broad scope. It is connected to the core business processes as well as the supporting business processes. Therefore those who will be involved in managing projects whether they are suppliers (provide products & services) or customers (provide requirements) are required to develop and sharpen their skills in this area so they can successfully (effectively & efficiently) play their expected roles in their organizations to drive their business processes forward.

One of the most exciting things in life is to transform our ideas into tangible achievements using whatever means are available to us. Every time ideas are transformed into facts, an elementary process called project execution has taken place. Projects may be developmental as in the case of a new idea or well-known when all parameters involved in its execution have been experienced before.


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*   Effective Presentations:

The seminar will focus on the importance of communication, specifically on developing and delivering excellent presentations. Speech is defined as a verbal composition designed to appeal to a particular audience. It is targeted, interesting, clear, believable, and motivating. In order to fulfill the requirements of a good successful speech, the participants must learn all the skills that qualify them for excellent speech delivery. Therefore, this workshop will provide the real opportunity for the participants to actually practice and rehearse delivering speeches and making sure that their skills (behavioral as well as theoretical) are sharpened so they can be well prepared for the real ones.


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